“Revolutionary School in Assam Transforms Trash into Treasure for Education!”

By Bhalakatha  Every Friday, students from the Akshar School in Assam gather like eco-warriors on a mission. They arrive carrying a week’s worth of collected plastic, their hands and pockets filled with discarded bottles, wrappers, and more. Situated in the lush green Pamohi locality of Assam, this unique school has transformed education into an adventure […]

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“Shocking Secrets Revealed: The Terrifying Fate of Our Oceans in 50 Years – You Won’t Believe What’s Coming!”

The ocean is a vital resource that impacts all life on Earth, whether we are aware of it or not. It plays a crucial role in sustaining our planet’s ecosystems, providing food, oxygen, and regulating climate. However, the ocean is currently facing three significant threats: overfishing, pollution, and climate change, largely due to human mismanagement. […]

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“Meet the Bicycle Hero Who Saves 1000s of Birds! You Won’t Believe His Incredible Mission!”

By Bhalakatha Manjit Singh, a former drawing teacher, embarked on a remarkable journey that began with a trip to an army camp with 50 children from a non-profit organization in Chandigarh. Little did he know that this outing would lead to a life-changing mission. During an evening stroll for dinner at the camp, Manjit noticed […]

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Protecting Lives from Lightning Strikes: The Importance of Palm Trees

By Bhalakatha In 2021-22, a staggering 281 people lost their lives to lightning strikes in Odisha, with most of the victims residing in rural areas. This raises the pressing question of why lightning-related deaths are so common and how we can prevent them. Meteorologists have pointed out that the dwindling number of palm trees is […]

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Wildlife Day: Unbelievable Ways to Save Our Precious Animals

National Wildlife Day: Celebrating and Protecting Our Precious Wildlife Introduction National Wildlife Day is a special day celebrated to honor and raise awareness about the incredible diversity of wildlife that inhabits our planet. This day, observed on September 4th each year, reminds us of the vital role that wildlife plays in maintaining the balance of […]

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“Unveiling the Hidden Dangers: The Urgent Call of International Day against Nuclear Tests!”

The International Day against Nuclear Tests is a special day observed on August 29th each year. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of nuclear tests and advocating for a world without nuclear weapons. The goal is to prevent the testing of nuclear weapons and promote global peace. Nuclear tests involve the […]

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“Legacy of Inspiration: Prof. Kamal Kumari Patnaik – Pioneering Botanist and Environmental Advocate”

By Sukanta Kishore Mohanty Life is full of events. We acquire a lot of experience in education and other applied subjects from many of our teachers during our students days. Later on when we enter upon the great world of life, we forget many things like the flowing water in a river. But some memories […]

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World Elephant Day: Celebrating the Majesty of Earth’s Gentle Giants and Urging Their Protection

On August 12th every year, a global celebration takes place that highlights the significance of one of the most magnificent creatures to grace our planet: the elephant. World Elephant Day is a poignant reminder of the critical role these majestic giants play in our ecosystem, their cultural and historical importance, and the urgent need to […]

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Dark Side of Light Pollution

The Earth, our precious blue orb, is marred by the unintended consequences of human ingenuity. Consider the marvels we’ve created – the automobile, emblematic of modern mobility, and the versatile wonder of plastic. Yet, their shadows cast long and ominous as automobile emissions weave into the very fabric of our atmosphere, fostering climate change, while […]

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Uncertain Rain Patterns: Navigating the Climate Change Conundrum

The delicate balance of Earth’s climate is undergoing a profound transformation, leaving a trail of uncertainties in its wake. One of the most striking manifestations of this change is the erratic and unpredictable rain patterns that have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. The juxtaposition of heavy rainfalls followed by drought-like conditions has raised concerns, […]

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