Protect Your Family: Practical Strategies to Reduce WiFi Radiation Exposure

In our modern world, WiFi technology has become an integral part of our lives, offering seamless connectivity. However, as the use of WiFi has increased, concerns about potential radiation exposure have also risen. While the scientific community continues to explore the long-term effects of WiFi radiation, taking precautions to limit our exposure is crucial. Here […]

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Triumph in the Himalayas: India’s Kargil War Victory and Joyous Celebration

In the summer of 1999, the rugged and unforgiving terrain of the Kargil region witnessed one of India’s most defining moments – the Kargil War. This battle, fought at dizzying heights and amidst extreme adversity, showcased the indomitable spirit of the Indian Armed Forces and their unwavering dedication to safeguarding the nation’s integrity. The Kargil […]

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The Transformative Effect of Social Media on Mental Well-being

Over the past few years, the digital landscape has witnessed a profound transformation with the emergence of social media platforms that now pervade our lives. From Facebook to Instagram, Twitter to Snapchat, these platforms have revolutionized communication and connectivity, ushering in new opportunities and challenges, especially concerning mental health. Social media’s impact on mental health […]

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Herbal Remedies to Naturally Bring Down Your Blood Sugar Level

Introduction: Managing blood sugar levels is crucial for individuals with diabetes and those at risk of developing the condition. While medical treatments and lifestyle changes are essential, some herbal remedies are believed to have potential benefits in naturally lowering blood sugar levels. In this article, we explore some commonly recommended herbal remedies that are used […]

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Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga: A Sacred Abode of Lord Shiva in Ujjain

Introduction: Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga, situated in the ancient city of Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India, is a prominent Hindu temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, believed to be the most sacred shrines representing the different manifestations of Lord Shiva. The temple holds significant religious and historical importance and attracts devotees from […]

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Empowering Farmers: The Inspiring Tale of IFE Store’s Online Marketplace

Maharashtra’s Sachin Gore grows sugarcane and turmeric in his 3.5-acre farmland but was always dependent on middlemen to sell his produce. “I used to sell products to middlemen at a commission of 30 percent. If I give them produce for Rs 90 per kg, they sell it for Rs 120-150. So, they were the ones […]

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Revolutionizing Pathology with AI: The SigTuple Story

Dr Tathagato Rai Dastidar grew up in an environment where science reigned supreme, he recalls. His parents were professors at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, which is the oldest research institute in India. “So, science has been my bread and butter since early childhood. I have always been fascinated and curious about […]

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“Chikli Village: Where Fearless Deer Roam Free, Guarded by Caring Villagers”

In the picturesque village of Chikli, a heartwarming tale unfolds as a group of deer fearlessly prance through the village, seeking shelter and sustenance. Chikli, also known as the “Village of the Deer,” has become a safe haven for these majestic creatures, thanks to the unwavering dedication of its villagers. The deer gather at the […]

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“From IIT Professor to Tribal Champion: Alok Sagar’s Journey of Service and Simplicity in Remote India”

Meet Alok Sagar, a remarkable individual who chose a path less traveled after achieving academic excellence. With a prestigious engineering degree from IIT Delhi, followed by a Masters and PhD from Houston, he could have pursued a lucrative career anywhere in the world. Instead, he chose to dedicate his life to serving the remote tribal […]

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Bengaluru Professor Makes 100% Biodegradable Straws Using Coconut Leaves

In the ever-evolving battle against plastic pollution, one Bengaluru-based startup is leading the charge with a groundbreaking and eco-friendly solution. Meet Sunbird Straws, a trailblazing venture that produces straws from an unexpected source – coconut leaves. Long before India’s ban on single-use plastic items, this innovative startup was committed to curbing plastic waste and promoting […]

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